BACK by ann-sofie back
after a few middle fingers raised and a few tantrums thrown, i can happily say that the new hardware is in (ah, the irony of the sheet - that is actually some complete useless to me, the sofiaite, brochure about culture in portland, oregon between december last year and this month - i used as a background, tee-hee.. ). this back by ann-sofie back ring was purchased at
stand up comedy, which is a site i'd recommend you, especially for their amazing maga/zines and book. but that's a topic for another time!
i've been a huge fan of the sheefun for ann-sofie back earring-themed/adorned/god knows? jewelry for a long time now, but never really figured out how and where to get them. so when i saw the new versions - these ones are made of acrylic, instead of from gold(-plated metal?) - i knew i had to pounce the opportunity like a madwoman! and, all in all, this brings me here.

it also should be noted, i really love piecrings, especially when done in a subtle and classy way, while still being imaginative and serving their usual purpouse - rebellion! sort of like it would be if one had a surface piercing on his middle finger (side note: would make my flipping off way more effective!). on the other hand, i also enjoy over the top, old school piercings - faces full of 'em, with a few tattoos to go with it. sort of like shiba from
snakes and earrings (which, ironically, is a visually pleasing film with a nice plot, while the book actually left me with a bad taste in the mouth and not in a good way; also - there's just as much details you can describe while writing about sex!) which, while being one creepy fuck, i must admit - is exactly what you'd expect to see on an underground fashion blog, listed under "characters that inspire me" and being, well, not a character that literally inspires anyone in any way. but all in all, a cool fuck, pardonnez mon français!
oh mayne i've got the same ring while ago and i'm so gutted since the quality is just so poor. didnt exactly pay too much for it but from ann-sofie back you'd expect something better. the other ball keeps dropping off and the brass has turned all orange. what can you expect .. i wish i had the original metal ones as well !