Monday, February 13, 2012

a lot - and by a lot, i mean a lot - of people are, i'm guessing being too busy either being ecstatic over what tomorrow is or too busy dissing the day and making fun of it. now, i'm no romantic person, nor do i really like what valentine's day stands for nowadays - i do like the legend, though - but i decided to what-the-heck it all and do a little post. a post about things that inspire me or, to put it less pretentiously - that i really, really enjoy. all presented in a this is a sappy teenage girl's blog manner, of course - for the sake of the celebration!

the usual, full of sugar and spice and everything nice and dresses that look like little girls' nightgowns, crimson hearts and vampire slayers, skull cut-outs on bonbon boxes and velvet roses, dreamlike little fantasies..

little known fact - i'm a buffy the vampire slayer fanatic! so it was only natural - though i ain't particularly a fan of the buffy and angel relationship - for me to put this little thing in the post as well - the claddagh ring (otherwise known as the ring angel gave to buffy to symbolize their eternal love, but, let's face it - spike is so much better for her!). for those of you who don't know, a little lession in history/traditions: it's a ring from irish origin, usually given as a symbol of either friendship, love of a desire for marriage. now, as things would be pretty complicated if one right symbolized all of those things at the same time, them irish folk thought of a lovely system to distinguish its meanings according to the way it's worn; and with the special help of wikipedia:

  1. When worn on the right ring finger with the heart pointing to the fingertip, the wearer is free of any attachment.
  2. On the same finger but the other way round, with the heart pointing away from the fingertip, it suggests someone is romantically involved.
  3. When the ring is on the left hand wedding ring finger, it means the person is married or engaged.

you see now, the more you know (*themoreyouknow.gif*)

and lastly, some lovely '70s films, namely - jaromil jireš's valerie's week of wonders and peter weir's picnic at hanging rock. i believe it's safe to assume i really enjoy those '70s aesthetics, but also - as suggested by the "dresses that look like little girls' nightgowns" up there - this type of lolitaesque, but not really lolita kind of character, outlook. white dresses, natural hair, love letters, beautiful cakes and all with a pinch of morbidity..

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